I love the feeling that September is a fresh start – it ties in with the start of the new academic year of course, and is something I’ve been used to for years, both from my own education, then from my son’s, then from working in a school!

The changing of the seasons, the loss of those warm, long days (if we’ve been lucky enough to have sun here in the UK!) and the nip in the air that tells us Autumn is on its way. The change of each season reminds me that nothing is forever, changes up my thinking, and gives me a fresh perspective.
I love change, after a period of stability – no-one loves living in a constant state of change do they?! – and the changing of the seasons gives an opportunity to reset, or bring some changes to different areas of my life.
I’ve just returned to work at the beginning of August from a three month sabbatical (see this post) and honestly, it’s like I’ve never been away! It’s going to be busy from now to the end of the year with my workload, but I do have a couple of holidays booked to look forward to!
Here are some of the things I do to feel like I’m having a fresh start each September:
Planning – is it too early to mention the C word?! Winter is coming, and with it the holiday season, and it’s time to start thinking about Christmas and getting a jump on present planning! I also like to plan activities in so that I have something to look forward to – like an upcoming holiday.

Wardrobe changeover – it always seems to happen so quickly; the weather one day is warm enough for sandals and summer dresses, and the next you need your boots and sweaters! Packing up your summer wardrobe and getting out your winter clothes is an annual ritual, and rediscovering clothes you love (hello boots that I’ve had for 10 years!) is a lovely feeling!
Changing up your recipes – time to start cooking up the soups and casseroles that are a staple of the cooler months. There is nothing better than having a meal in the slow cooker all day that you just need to serve up when you get home!
Hobbies – my favourite sport of ice hockey starts up again in September after its summer break. I love having the summer off (and tbh the season often outstays its welcome by April, if the team hasn’t played well…) but it’s great to be back in the rink watching a fast-paced sport and catching up with friends. Each season brings fresh hope that the new players have an impact and improve the team’s performance.
Making my home cosy – I love the ritual of going round and closing the curtains and blinds, and cocooning myself in my home. Deep throws, plump cushions, candles and soft lighting all make me feel safe and warm.

What are some of the ways you welcome in the start of Autumn? Let me know in the comments!